Key Note Speakers
Online Presenation
Francesco M. Donini
Computer Science Professor at Tuscia University (Viterbo, Italy)
His publications amount to more than 100, and can be found through his ORCID identifier
Scientific awards:
In 1991 the paper "Tractable Concept Languages", published in the proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91) received the Best Paper Award. The paper deals about computational complexity in description logics. In 2005 the paper "Concept Abduction and Contraction for Semantic-based Discovery of Matches and Negotiation Spaces in an E-Marketplace", published in the proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC-05) received the Best Paper Award.
His scientific services besides more than 30 years of service as a PC member in several Artificial Intelligence conferences (IJCAI, ECAI, KR, AAAI) is being a PC Chair of the following conferences:
• AICA-2002 (Conference of the Italian Association for Informatics and Automated Calculus, Bari, Italy 2002);
• RDRC-06 (Resource Discovery Retrieval and Composition), Special Track of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC (Dijon, France) 2006;
• 1st International Workshop on Semantic Matchmaking and Resource Retrieval: Issues and Perspectives" SMR 2006, (Seoul, Korea, September 11, 2006);
Regarding journals, since 2008 he is a member of the Editorial Board of:
• Journal of Universal Computer Science ( since 2008;
• Data ( more recently (October 2020);
Key Note Lecture
Agility suppposes the existance of mechanisms of semantic interoperabiity which transforms an enterprise in a flexible and adaptive apparatus indipendently on its business model. In particular, Semantic Web technology can be an important support for knowledge-intensive Business-Oriented Applications, both for RDF data acquisition (to be aware of market changes) and for flexible internal modeling (to respond to such changes). During the development of such applications several turning points about Semantic Web technologies must be faced. As a support to such choices, I will present a systematic classification of about fifty RDFS-based Semantic Web reasoners and applications, and show that not all applications share the same reasoning behavior w.r.t. the RDF data they use as an information source. In particular, the ability of reasoning is not a binary quality: it can (a) consider or not blank nodes denotation, (b) include different subsets of RDFS reasoning rules, (c) provide or not explanation facilities. For classification purposes, I will present a maturity model (joint work with Simona Colucci) made up of the above three orthogonal dimensions for the evaluation of reasoners and applications: blank nodes, deductive capabilities, and explanation of the results. For each dimension, I will present a progression from absence to full compliance. Each RDFS-based Semantic Web reasoner/application can be classified in each dimension, based on both its documentation and published articles. In my presentation, I will not consider efficiency on purpose, since efficiency could be compared (lìlater on) only after assessing an equal service in every of the above dimensions. This classification can be used by developers of agile, model-oriented Business Applications for fine-tuning a suitable Semantic Web technology.Online presenation
Saahil Panikar
Principal Consultant Project & Team, Inc
Saahil has a BSc in Mathematics and Master of International Business, which give him both analytical foundations and business acumen on top of his leadership in Agile transformation. As a sought after thought leader in the field, he is often invited to speak in international professional forums.
Key Note Lecture
Over the last two to three years, there has been a significant push for both Lean Portfolio Management and Business Agility in Industry. The problem is that most organizations struggle to implement either on their own, which has led to rumors that Business Agility is a myth. That Lean Portfolio Management is a theoretical ideal state that will never be achieved in practice. In this presentation we will prove that neither is a myth. Lean Portfolio Management is a way of doing that leads to a way of thinking. Business Agility is a way of thinking that leads to a way of doing, and we'll explore exactly how various organizations have implemented both. The specific challenges they faced, and how they overcame them or not, along with an opportunity for Q&A on all things Agile, LPM, and Business Agility.
Workshop Time Table
Online Presenations
9.00: MOBA Opening session, Prof. Eduard Babkin
Zoom link
9.10: Keynote speech by Prof. Francesco Donini
10.30 Break
10.45: Master and Doctoral Consortium:
10.45 Tony Hoang "Discovering and Linking of Heterogeneous Processes in a Complex System"
11.30 Vasiliy Schitov "Distributed ledger application technology in enterprise architecture design"
12.15 Anastasia Mamrukova "Implementation of the ontology of the product designer within the framework of the concept of joint creation of values in museum activities"
13.00 Break
16.00: Keynote speech by Dr. Saahil Panikar
17.20 Conclusion.
Online Presenations
Session 1 9.30-11.00: Moderator Pavel Malyzhenkov
Zoom link
9:30am - 10:00am: Agility Driven Learning for Educational Organizations
10:00am - 10:30am: Agile Game in Online Environment
10:30am - 11:00am: Filling the Gap Between Business and Application Development Using Agile BORM
11.00 - 11.30 Break
Session 2 11.30-13.00: Moderator Eduard Babkin and Steven van Kervel
Zoom link
11:30am - 12:00pm: Explanation in Multi-Stakeholder Recommendation for Enterprise Decision Support Systems
12:00pm - 12:30pm: Organizational Structure Reengineering Based on the Transaction Approach: Case of Construction Business
12:30pm - 1:00pm: A New Approach to the Social Dimension of IT Business Alignment
13.00 - 14.00 Break
Session 3 14.00 - 15.30: Moderator Joseph Barjis
Zoom link
2:00pm - 2:30pm: Problem of Semantic Enrichment of Sentences Used in Textual Requirements Specification
2:30pm - 3:00pm: Adapting Domain-Specific Interfaces Using Invariants Mechanisms
3:00pm - 3:30pm: Usability Evaluation of Business Process Modeling Standards – BPMN and BORM Case Study
16.00 Final session, closure, discussions.
Zoom link